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Our Mission

We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose purpose is to EMPOWER others through KINDNESS to be the CHANGE in their WORLD! Our programs include: School and Business Kindness and Inclusion Assemblies, creating resources for you and your community, as well as supporting families with high needs children through grants and scholarships. With so many issues that our children and families are facing everyday, it is so valuable to have a reminder about the importance of our words and actions and how to make sure we are #ChoosingKind everyday. It is so important to teach and remind each other to #BeTheDifference each moment of your life. More detail information about our programs here.

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“Hey this is McKenna Larson. I am a sophomore at Chester Area High School. I am so thankful that you came to our school. I got so much out of the presentation and I really want to work more to make my school a better place. I was so, so, so, so sad when I had found out that Quinn had passed away exactly a month ago. It breaks my heart honestly. I can't imagine what you and your family has gone through. I will be praying so much for you and your family. I will always remember the sign language for the word kindness.

You are such an inspiration.”

— McKenna Larson


Our Inspiration

Quinn Marie Kougl, born with “Treacher Collins Syndrome”, was the inspiration behind the creation of TOK. Justine Kougl, Quinn’s mother and founder of TOK, wanted to create an organization which would “empower all people (especially our youth), through kindness; to be the change in their own world.” Justine understood that special needs children would face many obstacles throughout their lives. Looking or acting unique can often lead to teasing or bullying in school environments. These issues do not stem from malicious intent, they are often just a product of misinformation or lack of understanding. Tour of Kindness aims to eliminate teasing and bullying by talking face to face with students of all ages. Justine has visited dozens of schools and spoken with thousands of children. She has seen firsthand the impact TOK has had on children’s lives. Check out some of our testimonials here.

Quinn spent the first 45 days of her life at the hospital and underwent numerous surgeries throughout her life. The medical expenses for many special needs children can be huge, even with insurance. TOK has teamed up with Syd’s Wishes to create a fund to help families with special needs children. It will help cover some costs such as medical equipment, travel expenses, and more. Learn more about Syd’s Wishes here.


Meet Quinn

Our Quinn Marie was born on November 11, 2015 with a surprise diagnosis of Treacher Collins Syndrome. This rare syndrome affects 1 in 50,000 people. Often resulting in underdeveloped lower cranial-facial structures. TCS prevented Quinn from breathing without a tracheotomy and eating without being tube fed. She also had underdeveloped ear bone structures making it necessary for her to use hearing aids. Throughout her three years alive she underwent 5 different surgeries. Despite all these challenges Quinn continued to live each moment of her life with unmatched charisma and joy.

Quinn truly left a lasting impact on the lives of almost everyone she met. Her energy and love for life was contagious. Seeing a little girl who went through so much at such a young age, yet was able to stay so intensely positive, was an inspiration for anyone who was lucky enough to meet her. Quinn had the gift of giving everyone a newfound perspective on their own life. She allowed them to realize the power of being positive and living your own unique life, despite any differences. Quinn’s legacy lives on through Tour of Kindness, and more importantly through all the lives she has impacted and the lives her story will continue to impact.